This page is intended to be used as suggestions for system use. It is in no way a requirement to follow these guidelines.
The Velocity archive file contains a snapshot of the alarms and events recorded for a specific Velocity system. This file is created every time the Scheduling Agent runs the Archive Alarm/Event Logs pre-defined scheduled task, which updates the Velocity_Data.mdf file.
How do I change my Archive Duration?
Select the ID icon, enter ‘System’ System, and then ‘Velocity Velocity Scheduling Agent’Agent
Select ‘Archive Archive Alarm/Event Logs’Logs
Choose the Amount of Time you would like data to be stored on your device
Select ‘Daily’ Daily, ‘Weekly’ Weekly, ‘Monthly’ Monthly, or ‘One One Time Only’Only
Depending on the option, choose day/time for archive
Select ‘OK’ OK