In 3VR OpCenter, click the Monitor tab.
Click camera numbers to select the cameras associated with the Advanced Object Tracking plug-in.
Click the arrow below the camera selector to open the event type drop-down menu.
Select [√ ]Advanced Object and click OK.
The Monitor panel will update to display only Advanced Object events from the selected cameras.
To view an event, click the event card. The event card will turn blue, indicating it is currently selected.
Thumbnail image
Camera number and name
Time of event
Event type
Length of the event video clip
Color bar (Displays the object’s three most prominent colors)
Direction icon
Event details (Lists the properties of an event card. The Colors are referred to by their color IDs. To cross-reference an ID with its corresponding color, see the Search panel color selector)
with additional information displayed on mouse-over:
To go to the Search panel, click the Search tab.
Define the dates, days of the week, and time ranges to search for events.
Under Cameras, select one or more cameras bound to the Advanced Object Tracking plug-in.
Under Events, check the box next to [√ ]Advanced Object to search for events generated by the Advanced Object Tracking plug-in.
The following options are available when searching for Advanced Object events:
Select (•)All Advanced Object to search for all objects captured during the specified time range.
To restrict the search further, select ( )Specify. The following options are available to search for specific objects:
[ ] Color: Click and drag to highlight one or more shades. The colors selected must be adjacent. Note that the ends of the color selection tool wrap around.
[ ] Direction: Search for objects moving in a specific direction.
[ ] Zone: Draw a zone to search for objects traveling through the zone.
Click the video player to begin drawing a zone. Each click of the mouse will create a new line segment. To complete the
polygon, click the mouse over your start position.[ ] Size: Choose the object size relative to the field of view to search for.
[ ] Aspect Ratio: Choose the approximate aspect ratio of the object to search for.
[ ] Duration: Restrict your search results to object events falling within a minimum and maximum duration.
When you are finished defining the criteria for the search, click the Search button.
Advanced Object events matching your criteria will be displayed in the Search panel results screen.
Select an event card to view the video clip and details associated with the event.