Log on to the Software House C•CURE system with a user account with administrative access.
Double-click the 3VR_C•CureInstaller-Release- file to launch the InstallShield Wizard.
It may be necessary to right-click the .exe and select Run as administrator.The C•CURE integration requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 to function.
Click Install to proceed.
At the InstallShield Wizard Welcome screen, click Next >.
At the Custom Setup screen, specify which component of the integration to install. By default, both components are selected.
If the current machine is the C•CURE server, this should be selected
If it is a C•CURE client PC, click the drop-down arrow and select This feature will not be installed
If the current machine is the C•CURE server and it does not have client software also installed, click the drop-down arrow and select This feature will not be installed
If it is a C•CURE client PC, this should be selected
Click Next >.
If the Server component was selected in step 5, the Database Server screen will appear. Specify the following:
The location of the C•CURE database server
How to connect to the database. If not using Windows authentication credentials, select ¤ Server authentication using the Login ID and password below and enter the user name and password to use to connect to the database
The name of the C•CURE database catalog
Click Next >.
Click Install to install the software.
When installation is complete, click Finish to close the wizard.
c. Enabled – This check box enables or disables the 3VR VMS Server.
In the General Tab:
d. Time Zone – This is the Time Zone of the 3VR VMS server. To configure the Time Zone, click the ... button and select the time zone where the 3VR VMS server is installed from the list.
i. Poll Period – This is the interval at which the server is polled for connection information for this VMS server and its cameras.
In the Alarms tab, you may optionally configure an alarm for the current VMS server:
j. Click the Add button to add a new alarm for the VMS server.
The Alert Watch is designed to watch for 3VR Events with Alerts and bring that functionality into the C•CURE application. When a 3VR Event with an Alert that is monitored by an active Alert Watch occurs, a C•CURE Journal Message will be created with the format:
3VR Alert ([alert name]) occurred on Appliance ‘[VMS server name]’, Camera ‘[camera name]’.
In addition, whenever the C•CURE integration receives notification from an Alert Watch, it will activate any video camera alarms of type Analytics that have been established for the corresponding camera.
The version number will appear at the bottom of the Mapping Settings dialog.
Appendix: B
General Connection Troubleshooting
Use the following steps to troubleshoot the connection between the VMS server and the C•CURE system.
Double-check the login information and 3VR VMS server IP address
Verify that web services is enabled on the 3VR VMS server
Open up the command prompt on the C•CURE machine and ping the IP address of the 3VR VMS server
Troubleshooting the 3VR-C•CURE Integration
If the 3VR VMS server and the C•CURE system are successfully connected but the event or video integration is not functioning correctly, troubleshoot with the following steps:
Verify that the ThreeVRVideoServerComponent driver has been enabled and started in the Server Configuration Application (see section 6).
Verify that the database connection strings are correct.
Launch the C•CURE 9000 Server Configuration Application.
Select the Database Connections tab.
Click the Test Database Connections button.
If the test does not pass, verify that the entries for the following are correct:
The value for Data Source in each connection string should be the SQL Server.
Video Retrieved Is From the Wrong Time
Verify that the Software House C•CURE 9000 system and the 3VR VMS server are time synced (see section 4).
C•CURE Events in 3VR OpCenter Only Show Partial Video
Verify that the 3VR camera on which the C•CURE event was created has the Allow Demand Image Buffering and Allow Demand Video Recording settings enabled (see section 7.2.4).
Accessing 3VR Integration Logs
During the course of troubleshooting, 3VR Technical Support may request log files from the 3VR integration software. These files may be copied and sent to 3VR with the following steps:
Open Windows Explorer and type %appdata%\3VR into the location bar.
Copy the following files to another location on the system (e.g., the desktop):
SWH/video.log – contains messages related to video playback and user interface.
SWH/event.log – contains messages related to C•CURE Event creation on the 3VR VMS server.
VideoAPI/VideoApi.log – contains messages related to the 3VR Video API.
Send the log files to 3VR via the web at uploadlogs.3vr.com (user name: techrep, password: 3MeDeee).
Appendix: C
Upgrading 3VR Integration Software
If 3VR has released a new version of the C•CURE integration, use the following steps to upgrade the integration software installed on the C•CURE 9000 machine:
Double-click 3VR_C•CureInstaller-1.2.1.xx.exe to begin the upgrade process.
The Install Shield wizard will notify you of the upgrade.
Click Yes to proceed.
At the Install Shield Wizard Welcome screen, click Next.
Wait while the upgrade is in progress.
When the upgrade is complete, click Finish to exit the wizard.