In 3VR OpCenter, click the Monitor tab to go to the Monitor panel.
Click camera numbers to select the cameras associated with the Dwell plug-in.
Click the arrow below the camera selector to open the event type drop-down menu.
Select the event type that matches the name of the PoS plug-in.
Click OK. The Monitor panel will update to display only PoS events from the selected cameras.
To view an event, click the event card. The event card will turn blue, indicating it is currently selected.
Click on the Details tab to see the detailed metadata associated with the event. One of the fields will be labeled Suspect. This is an additional field created by the CNP plug-in. A value of 0 indicates an event where a customer was present during the transaction and that is not considered suspect. A value of 100 indicated an event where no customer was present during some part of the transaction and is considered suspect.
To go to the Search panel, click the New Search tab.
Define the dates, days of the week, and time ranges to search for events.
Under Cameras, select one or more cameras bound to the CNP plug-in.
Under Events, select the event type that matches the name of the PoS plug-in.
Click ( )Specify to further refine the search.
Select [ ] Suspect and enter a value between between 0 and 100.
Click the Search button.
Suspect PoS events will be displayed in the Search panel results screen.
Select an event card to view the video clip and details associated with the event.