Table of Contents | ||||||
Html macro |
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.navigation ul li a {
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.navigation ul li ul li a {
padding: 0 0 0 20px;
.navigation ul li ul li ul li a {
padding: 0 0 0 30px;
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<script type="text/javascript">
* Scrollspy Plugin
* Author: r3plica
* Licensed under the MIT license
; (function ($, window, document, undefined) {
// Add our plugin to fn
// Scrollspy is the name of the plugin
scrollspy: function (options) {
// Define our defaults
var defaults = {
namespace: 'scrollspy',
activeClass: 'active',
animate: false,
duration: 1000,
offset: 0,
container: window,
replaceState: false
// Add any overriden options to a new object
options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
var add = function (ex1, ex2) {
return parseInt(ex1, 10) + parseInt(ex2, 10);
// Find our elements
var findElements = function (links) {
var elements = [];
// Loop through the links
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
var link = links[i];
// Get our hash
var hash = $(link).attr("href");
// Store our has as an element
var element = $("[id='" + hash.replace('#','') + "']");
// If we have an element matching the hash
if (element.length > 0) {
// Get our offset
var top = Math.floor(element.offset().top),
bottom = top + Math.floor(element.outerHeight());
// Add to our array
elements.push({ element: element, hash: hash, top: top, bottom: bottom });
return elements;
// Find our link from a hash
var findLink = function (links, hash) {
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
var link = $(links[i]);
// If our hash matches the link href
if (link.attr("href") === hash) {
// Return the link
return link;
// Reset classes on our elements
var resetClasses = function (links) {
// For each link
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
// Get our current link
var link = $(links[i]);
// Remove the active class
// Find the nearest heading whether at the top of the screen or off the screen
var getActiveHeadingHash = function (elements) {
// Get the position and store in an object
var position = {
top: add($(this).scrollTop(), Math.abs(options.offset)),
left: $(this).scrollLeft()
// Store the nearest heading off the top of the page
var nearest = null;
// Loop through our elements
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
// Get our current item
var current = elements[i];
// If we are within the boundaries of our element return that link
if ( >= && <= current.bottom)
return current.hash;
// Otherwise, return the closest of the top of the screen--they are in order
else if ( > current.bottom) {
nearest = current.hash;
return nearest;
// Store last fired scroll event
var scrollArea = '';
// For each scrollspy instance
return this.each(function () {
// Declare our global variables
var element = this,
container = $(options.container);
// Get our objects
var links = $(element).find('a');
// Loop through our links
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
// Get our current link
var link = links[i];
// Bind the click event
$(link).on("click", function (e) {
// Get our target
var target = $(this).attr("href"),
$target = $(target);
// If we have the element
if ($target.length > 0) {
// Get it's scroll position
var top = add($target.offset().top, options.offset);
// If animation is on
if (options.animate) {
// Animate our scroll
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: top }, options.duration);
} else {
// Scroll to our position
window.scrollTo(0, top);
location.hash = target;
// Prevent our link
// Set links
// Get our elements (targets of the navigation links)
var elements = findElements(links);
var trackChanged = function() {
// Create a variable for our link
var link;
// get our element
var hash = getActiveHeadingHash(elements);
// Get the link
link = findLink(links, hash);
// If we have a link
if (link) {
// If we have an onChange function
if (options.onChange && (scrollArea !== hash)) {
// Fire our onChange function
options.onChange(current.element, $(element), position);
// set scrollArea
scrollArea = hash;
// Update url
if (options.replaceState) {
history.replaceState( {}, '', '/' + hash );
// Reset the classes on all other link
// Add our active link to our parent
// If we don't have a link and we have a exit function
if (!link && (scrollArea !== 'exit') && options.onExit) {
// Fire our onChange function
options.onExit($(element), position);
// Reset the classes on all other link
// set scrollArea
scrollArea = 'exit';
// Update url
if (options.replaceState) {
history.replaceState( {}, '', '/' );
// Add a listener to the window
container.bind('scroll.' + options.namespace, function () {
$(document).ready(function (e) {
})(jQuery, window, document, undefined);
var getMenuWidth = function() {
// Need to get the padding of the main window since menu goes to edge of window
var mainPadding = ($('#main').innerWidth() - $('#main').width()) / 2;
var parentWidth = AJS.$(".ts-toc-btf").parent().parent().outerWidth();
return parentWidth + mainPadding;
var content_top = AJS.$('#content').offset().top;
var menu_width = getMenuWidth();
var max_width = AJS.$('.ts-toc-btf').width();
.attr('id', 'nav')
.css({'top': content_top, 'visibility': 'visible', 'width': menu_width, 'max-width': max_width});
AJS.$(window).resize(function() {
var menu_width = getMenuWidth();
.css({'width': menu_width});
</script> |
Widget Connector | ||||||||||
Viewing Demographic Events
Monitoring Recent Demographics Events in the Monitor Panel
The OpCenter Monitor panel allows you to view events as they happen. You can specify which cameras to view, and what types of events are displayed. Use the following steps to view recent events generated by the Demographics plug-in:
In 3VR OpCenter, click the Monitor tab to go to the Monitor panel.
Click camera numbers to select the cameras associated with the Demographics plug-in.
Click the arrow below the camera selector to open the event type drop-down menu.
Select [ ]Demographics to display events of that type and click OK.
The Monitor panel will update to display only Demographics events from the selected cameras.
To view an event, click the event card. The event card will turn blue, indicating it is currently selected.
About Demographics Event Cards
A Demographics event will be generated in OpCenter whenever a person is identified on a camera bound to the Demographics plugin.
Demographics event cards contain pictures, video, and information about the person. They appear in the Monitor panel for recent
events and in the Search panel for search results.
Each Demographics event card contains the following information in storyboard view:
Thumbnail image
Camera number and name
Time of event
Event type
Length of event
Demographics zone name (or “None”)
Estimated age
Gender with additional information displayed on mouse-over:
Date of event
Viewing Demographic Events
When a Demographics event card is selected, the video clip associated with the event will play back in the video player. Details about the event may be viewed in the event editor, located below the video player.
In addition to the tabs available for all event types, such as Notes and Images, Demographics events include the following information in the Details tab:
Demographics Zone Name: The name of the Demographics zone generating the
event (or “None”)Age Group: The estimated age of the person
Gender: The gender of the person
Searching for Demographic Events
Use the Search panel to find Demographics events recorded days, weeks, or months ago.
To go to the Search panel, click the Search tab.
Define the dates, days of the week, and time ranges to search for events.
Under Cameras, select one or more cameras bound to the Demographics plug-in.
Under Events, select [ ]Demographics to search for events generated by the Demographics plug-in.
The following options are available when searching for Demographics events:
Click ( )All Demographics to search for all Demographics events generated during the specified time range.
To search using Demographics properties, click ( )Specify.
Type some text in the Demographics Zone box to locate events in a specific zone.