The 3VR Realtime Dashboard collects the number of visitors passing through a defined area through People Counter Sensors. The people counter sensors operate to track the data even when several visitors are simultaneously passing across the area where they are installed.
The 3VR Real-time Dashboard provides Live Occupancy of people count entering in buildings, on all entrances and on each floor. This helps the building authorities or administrators to monitor, track and manage visitor traffic. The 3VR Realtime Dashboard collects the number of visitors passing through a defined area through People Counter Sensors. The People Counter Sensors operate to track the data even when several visitors are simultaneously passing across the area where they are installed.
3VR Realtime Dashboard and 3VR VMS System
The 3VR Realtime Dashboard communicates with 3VR VMS system to collect the people counter data. The People counter sends data or notification to the VMS at regular intervals.
The VMS process the people counter data and sends the data to the subscribed Realtime dashboard users as notification or RSS feed.
The Online status in the Realtime Dashboard in the above Figure shows that the VMS system is in online or offline.
Installing Real-time Dashboard Application
- Run the RealtimeSetup-X.XX.XX setup that is given to you.
You will see a Welcome screen as shown below:
- Click Next to proceed to the destination folder screen. Do not try to change the destination folder that is chosen by default.
- Click Next to proceed till you get to see your Installation Complete screen like the one shown below.
- Click Close after you are done. The Real-time Dashboard is installed in your system.
Upgrading your Realtime Dashboard
Before Upgrading
- Close your Browser window. If you forget to close and run the installer, you may run into problem. Under such scenario, delete the C:\app_log folder and run the Installer again.
Accessing 3VR Realtime Dashboard
- Login to Realtime Dashboard. Select Administration -> Counter Administration.
- Click Add. The Add window displays.
- Enter the Gate Name and Counter IP Address.
Select the Counter Model from the drop-down.
Note Under specific conditions, if the event is not received from 3VR VMS, check if the Realtime counter configuration Gate name and People Counter Gate name are the same for APS counter model that you have chosen. Refer to Appendix B for more details.
- Select the Location drop-down and the Location Group Name drop-down.
The Location is always external, and the Location Group Name is the Counter group name. Refer Adding Counter Group topic in this section for adding counter group name. - Check Enable and select Add.
Info |
If Realtime Dashboard Installer on your system is not working, ensure that a supported version of .NET framework is installed. |
Appendix B: Troubleshooting
A case of APS-180 model People Sensors with the Gate Name Configuration that ought to be arranged the equivalent in 3VR Realtime Dashboard in given as a screen capture reference below.