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After you successfully login to the Web Client, there is an Operator drop-down menu (below the Identiv logo) as shown below:


The menu options are explained below.

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About ()

This dialog shows version information for the Velocity Web,  Velocity Web Services Client, and Velocity DB.

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Help ()

This link opens the Velocity Web Services Client User’s Guide in PDF format.

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Settings ()

Here, you can configure operator specific and global settings for the various web client tabs.  Settings that contain an asterisk (*) are global settings that apply to all operators and therefore only operators who are members of the Administrator Role within Velocity have the ability to change them.

In the  Settings () -> General tab:

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  • You can choose your Landing Page, which will be the default page displayed when you login. The default page is Enrollment.

  • You can choose your Region from the drop-down, which will determine the date and time format.

  • You can choose the Badge Printing Method range from the up and down toggle button. This determines the quality of the Badge image that will affect the full system. The range is between 1-5.

  • Session Timeout Allowed: Is the time your web session will be active after being idle, between 1 - 240 minutes (4 hours). Once the timeout is reached and you attempt to perform an action the system will take you back to the login page. This setting is per operator. The default value is 15 minutes.

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In the Settings () -> Enrollment tab

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  • You can set the *Query Size, which will determine the Enrollment Manager Search results (between 5 - 50).  The default value is 10.

  • You can disable the *Display Photo in Enrollment by unchecking this option. The default is checked.

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In the Settings () -> Alarm Viewer tab:

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You can set the *System Wide Settings by checking the available options. The settings with an asterisk (*) are only available to Operators who are members of the Administrator Role. 

When you make changes to the "Report Return to Normal Alarms" option you will need to restart the Velocity client for the changes to take effect on the web client.

  • Always Show Instructions

  • Stack Alarms of similar type

  • Report Return to Normal Alarms

    • Auto acknowledge of Return to Normal

      • Auto clean Return to Normal

  • You can enable the Alarm Alerts (Pop-ups)by checking this option. The default is Unchecked. 

  • You can set the Maximum Page Size, which determines how many alarms to display per page (between 1 - 100).  The default is 50.

  • You can set the Alarm Sorting of your preference (recent to oldest or oldest to recent).

  • You can set the Alarm Acknowledge Options based on your Role permission defined in Velocity.

    • Require Acknowledge before Clearing: Check this box if you require an operator to acknowledge an alarm before it can be cleared. If left unchecked, the operator can clear an alarm whether it has been acknowledged or not.  The default is checked.

    • Require Entry of Note on Acknowledge: Check this box to require operators to enter a note whenever they acknowledge an alarm.  When the operator acknowledges an alarm, the Operator Comments dialog appears.  The operator must then enter a comment before continuing. The default is unchecked.

      • Force New Note for Multiple Acknowledge: This box is only activated when the 'Require Entry of Note on Acknowledge' option is selected.  Check this box to require the operator to enter a note every time he/she uses the Acknowledge All feature.  When the operator acknowledges all current unacknowledged alarms, the Operator Comments dialog appears.  The operator must then enter a comment before continuing. The default is unchecked.

    • Require Entry of Note on Clear: Check this box to require operators to enter a note whenever they clear an alarm.  When the operator clears an alarm, the Operator Comments dialog appears.  The operator must then enter a comment before continuing. The default is unchecked.

      • Force New Note for Multiple Clear: This box is only activated when the 'Require Entry of Note on Clear' option is selected.  Check this box to require the operator to enter a note every time he/she uses the Clear All feature.  When the operator clears all current unacknowledged alarms, the Operator Comments dialog appears.  The operator must then enter a comment before continuing. The default is unchecked.

  • Repeat Multimedia Until Acknowledged: Check this box to repeat the sound associated with an alarm until that alarm is acknowledged.

    • In the 'Delay (1 - 65s)' field, enter the number of seconds allowed before it repeats the sound. The default is unchecked.

  • Disable Default Alarm Sound (Beep): Check this box to disable only the default sound (but not any customized alarm sound).  This setting applies only to the current operator; it is not a system-wide setting. The default is unchecked.

  • Disable Customized Alarm Sounds (Audio Response): Check this box to disable only the customized alarm sounds (but not the default alarm sound).  This setting applies only to the current operator; it is not a system-wide setting. The default is unchecked.

  • Allow Alarm Sound in the Background on New Alarm: Enabling this checkbox allows the alarm sound to be heard even when working in other tabs if the alarm sound is active.

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In the Settings () -> Events tab:

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  • You can set Maximum Lines To Display, which determines how many lines to display in the Event Viewer (between 1-1500). Once it reaches the maximum, the operator won't be able to retrieve older events. The default is 100.

  • You can set the Maximum Page Size, which determines how many events to display per page (between 1 - 100). The default is 50.

    • Check the Load Cached Events option if you want to populate the Event Window with previous events. 

  • In the Show Events section, you can check the checkboxes for the tabs where you want the Event window to display.

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In the Settings () -> Photo Call-Up tab:

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Checking the Photo Call-Up Basic View box, will only display the picture and person name instead of displaying the full badge template.  This setting will help with system performance.

Example of full badge template (left) and Basic View (right).

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In the Settings () -> Status Dashboard tab:

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You can select which widgets you want to display in the Status Dashboard tab. The Auto Refresh feature reloads after a set number of seconds and shows the latest data on the People/Credentials, Performance Status, and Online Active Users Widgets. An operator can set the refresh interval from 5 - 60 seconds and different refresh times per Widget. The Auto Refresh is checked by default, and the default Delay is 10 seconds.

These settings are per operator.

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In the Settings() -> Security Settings tab:

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All these settings are global and apply to ALL operators. Only operators who are members of the Administrator Role can see this tab.

*Max failed attempts: Specify the amount of failed login attempts allowed, between 1 - 10, after which the operator account will be locked. The default value is 4.

*Max failed attempts during this time is considered an attack: Specify the time period, between 1 - 120 seconds, allowed for failed login attempts. If an operator exceeds the Max failed attempts during this period, it is considered an attack, and the operator's account will be locked. The default value is 60 seconds

*Operator lockout duration: Specify the time duration, between 1 - 60 minutes, for which the operator account will remain locked. The default value is 1 minute.

*Lockout per IP Address: Check this box if you want to track the failed attempts from a single IP Address or leave it unchecked to count failed attempts from any IP Address. The default is unchecked.

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*Enforce Two-factor Authentication (IDENTIV uTrust FIDO2): By checking this box, ALL operators are forced to login to the Web Client using a uTrust FIDO2 Security Key in addition to the usual username and password. To use this feature, a secure connection (i.e… HTTPS) is required. Administrators can configure Security Keys within Device Control → Operators.

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Logout () 

This will logout the operator from the Web Client and return to the Login page. 

Expand Menu

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Click this expanded view to view the menu tabs along with their names. Users can click on the tabs from the menu bar to view the information.

Collapse Menu

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Click this collapse view to hide the menu bar, giving extra space to view information. Hovering the mouse over the icons will display the name of the respective tab.