The Velocity-Velocity Vision Access Control Plugin v2.6.0 allows integration of the Velocity Access Control software to be integrated with the Velocity Vision. The interaction between Velocity-Velocity Vision Access Control Plugin and Velocity happens using Velocity adapter Libraries v4.0.27.
The Velocity VVAC plugin in Velocity Vision Management handles two-way communication with Velocity Server. The plugin’s configuration is done at the Velocity Vision Management Client, while the Velocity Vision Client application takes the presentation of presents events, alarms, doors, lock status, and cardholder details.
Run the VelocityVVAC Plugin Installer Setup.
Follow the simple on-screen instructions to install the plugin.
If the user already has the SDK license applied, then a pop-up message to update the license appears.
If no SDK license is installed, select the location of the valid velocity SDK license, and a dialog appears as shown.
Click Open to select a valid SDK license file.txt, and the license is applied.
If a valid SDK license file is not selected, a dialog box keeps appearing until a valid SDK license is selected.Click Close to exit.
Use the Run window to start Windows services (services. msc).
Stop the “Identiv Velocity Vision Event Server service.”
Right-click to select properties and click the Log On tab.
Enter the Velocity Administrator user name in the “This account” field followed by the Password and Confirm password and click OK.
Now start the Identiv Velocity Vision Event Server service.
The management client is ready to receive predefined events from Velocity Server.
If you upgrade Velocity Vision, please ensure that the Event Server service is running under the same domain user account as it was previously running.
Right-click Access Control.
Select Create New to create a new integration.
A dialog box appears.
In the Create access control system integration dialog box:
Enter a name for your access control system in the Name field.
Select the integration plug-in type as VelocityVVAC Plugin from the drop-down and click Next.
The dialog box refreshes to display other fields.Enter the Velocity database server name.
Select Next.
The Create Access Control System Integration dialog box shows the collected door and other entity details.
Click Next.
The “Create Access Control System Integration” dialog display the doors and the cameras that can be associated.In the Associate Cameras window, drill down to the Cameras: section on your right pane, as shown below.
Select a camera and drag it to an access point for each Door onto your left. In this This way, it is possible to associate cameras with the access control system door.
Click Next.
After successful integration, a screen like the one below displays, click Close to finish.
Make sure the Enable is checked. By default, this checkbox is enabled.
Click the Refresh Configurationbutton when you need to reflect configuration changes made in the access control system in Velocity Vision, for example, if you have added or deleted a door.
A summary of the configuration changes from the access control system appears. Review Please review the list to ensure that your access control system is reflected correctly before you apply applying the new configuration.
Configuring Access Control Events
Select Access Control in Site Navigation.
Click the established connection in the Access Control pane.
Select the Access Control Events tab.
The available access control events with their configured Event Category are displayed below.
It is recommended that the user should not make any changes to keep the Event Category section the same.
Cardholders Tab
The cardholders tab allows viewing cardholder names and photos synchronized with the Velocity server.
Click Alarm → Alarm Definition in Site Navigation. Right-click Alarm Definition → Add New.
The Alarm Definition Information page displays.
Enter the Alarm Name. Choose “Access Control Event Categories” in Triggering Event.
Select the optional Related map drop-down to associate with the alarm definition name.
Click "Select..." to open the Select Related Cameras dialog as shown.
Select an added camera in the list and click "Add" to add the selected camera to the right panel, click "OK" to save the selection, and close the dialog.
Click the Save icon above the site navigation to add the alarm definition.
For Please look at the Alarms Table in Appendix A for a list of supported Velocity Alarms in Velocity Vision Access Control, refer to the Alarms Table in Appendix A.
Alarm Manager
The Alarm Manager tab provides a dedicated view of the alarms and event handling. It includes an active alarm list, the number of active alarms, and previewing videos associated with individual alarms or events.