The Velocity v3.8.5 licensing mechanism provides a grace period of 30 days while moving Velocity instances or updating them based on licensing schemas. Depending , depending on the Velocity update on the the expiration of the demo license and an expiration alert window like the one below displays.
For Windows 10 type of machines, to locate the computer name of your system:
Open Control Panel. Click System and Security → System.
On the View basic information, see the Full computer name under the Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings section. Visit Windows Support to check the computer name for other types of Windows versions.
From the Windows desktop, select Start→ Microsoft SQL Server Tools 18→ Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18.
The Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio opens.Login to SQL Server using your credentials.
Expand the Databases folder to display the Velocity database in the Object Explorer navigation pane.
Expand the Velocity database to display the Tables branch.
Make the changes specified in the following table by right-clicking each database table and selecting Edit Top 200 Rows from the pop-up menu. (After each change, click outside the edited row for the changes to take effect.)
Note: Be extra careful while editing the tables because accidentally editing the tables can corrupt the database.To add or edit the data in the SQL table properties such as operators, servers, server extensions, and registry, we have considered a scenario with examples that uses use a sequence of system names such as vel1.server.system, vel1.local.system, vel1.remote.system etc., based on the entered data.